Python math.log2函数代码示例

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Python math.log2函数代码示例

2023-04-13 16:22| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文整理汇总了Python中math.log2函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python log2函数的具体用法?Python log2怎么用?Python log2使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: log_probability def log_probability( self, sequence, transitions_weight = None, outputs_weight = 1 ): """ Returns the log-probability of the given symbol sequence. If the sequence is labelled, then returns the joint log-probability of the symbol, state sequence. Otherwise, uses the forward algorithm to find the log-probability over all label sequences. :return: the log-probability of the sequence :rtype: float :param sequence: the sequence of symbols which must contain the TEXT property, and optionally the TAG property :type sequence: Token """ if transitions_weight is None: transitions_weight = 1 sequence = self._transform( sequence ) T = len( sequence ) EPSILON = '' channelModel = 0 sourceModel = 0 if T > 0 and sequence[ 0 ][ _TAG ] is not None: last_state = sequence[ 0 ][ _TAG ] if last_state != EPSILON: if transitions_weight: sourceModel += transitions_weight * self._priors.logprob( last_state ) else: if transitions_weight: sourceModel += transitions_weight * math.log2( globalModelParameters.EpsilonTransition ) channelModel += outputs_weight * self._output_logprob( last_state, sequence[ 0 ][ _TEXT ] ) for t in range( 1, T ): state = sequence[ t ][ _TAG ] if last_state != EPSILON: if state != EPSILON: if transitions_weight: sourceModel += transitions_weight * self._transitions[ last_state ].logprob( state ) else: if transitions_weight: sourceModel += transitions_weight * math.log2( globalModelParameters.EpsilonTransition ) else: # check if last_state is epsilon; if so then transition with probability of Epsilon if transitions_weight: sourceModel += transitions_weight * math.log2( globalModelParameters.EpsilonTransition ) channelModel += outputs_weight * self._output_logprob( state, sequence[ t ][ _TEXT ] ) last_state = state # FIXME changed exponentiation return { 'HMMtotal': (sourceModel + channelModel), 'HMMchannel': channelModel, 'HMMsource': sourceModel, 'sequence': sequence}开发者ID:jcavalieri8619,项目名称:OCRerror_correct,代码行数:60,代码来源 示例2: run_simulation def run_simulation(num_blocks_per_set, num_words_per_block, cache_size, replacement_policy, num_addr_bits, word_addrs): num_blocks = cache_size // num_words_per_block num_sets = num_blocks // num_blocks_per_set # Ensure that the number of bits used to represent each address is always # large enough to represent the largest address num_addr_bits = max(num_addr_bits, int(math.log2(max(word_addrs))) + 1) num_offset_bits = int(math.log2(num_words_per_block)) num_index_bits = int(math.log2(num_sets)) num_tag_bits = num_addr_bits - num_index_bits - num_offset_bits refs = get_addr_refs( word_addrs, num_addr_bits, num_offset_bits, num_index_bits, num_tag_bits) cache, ref_statuses = read_refs_into_cache( num_sets, num_blocks_per_set, num_index_bits, num_words_per_block, replacement_policy, refs) print() display_addr_refs(refs, ref_statuses) print() display_cache(cache) print()开发者ID:chubbymaggie,项目名称:cache-simulator,代码行数:27,代码来源 示例3: calc_posprob def calc_posprob(sentence,file1,file2): prob_p =math.log2(pos_count_sep/(pos_count_sep+neg_count_sep)) voca=open(file1).read() vocab=voca.split() with open(file1) as f: vocab_len= sum(1 for _ in f) pos_word=open(file2).read() pos_words=pos_word.split() #with open(file1) as f: # total_pos= sum(1 for _ in f) total_pos=sum_words(file2) for word in sentence: if word in vocab: if word in pos_words: index= pos_words.index(word) count= int(pos_words[index+1]) prob_1= math.log2(count+1/(total_pos+vocab_len)) prob_p= prob_p+prob_1 else: prob_1 = math.log2(1/(total_pos+vocab_len)) prob_p= prob_p+prob_1 return prob_p开发者ID:sowmyabejjipuram,项目名称:NLP,代码行数:25,代码来源 示例4: clog def clog(pagerank): vector = list(sorted(pagerank, reverse=True)) k = [math.log2(i) for i in range(1, len(vector) + 1)] y = [math.log2(i) for i in vector] A = np.vstack([k, np.ones(len(k))]).T m, c = np.linalg.lstsq(A, y)[0] return m开发者ID:KoIIdun,项目名称:PageRank-gradient,代码行数:7,代码来源 示例5: test_tag2 def test_tag2(self): tagset = {"D", "N", "V"} trans = { ("", ""): {"D": 1.0}, ("", "D"): {"N": 1.0}, ("D", "N"): {"V": 0.8, "N": 0.2}, ("N", "N"): {"V": 1.0}, ("N", "V"): {"": 1.0}, } out = {"D": {"the": 1.0}, "N": {"dog": 0.4, "barks": 0.6}, "V": {"dog": 0.1, "barks": 0.9}} hmm = HMM(3, tagset, trans, out) tagger = ViterbiTagger(hmm) x = "the dog barks".split() y = tagger.tag(x) pi = { 0: {("", ""): (log2(1.0), [])}, 1: {("", "D"): (log2(1.0), ["D"])}, 2: {("D", "N"): (log2(0.4), ["D", "N"])}, 3: { ("N", "V"): (log2(0.8 * 0.4 * 0.9), ["D", "N", "V"]), ("N", "N"): (log2(0.2 * 0.4 * 0.6), ["D", "N", "N"]), }, } self.assertEqualPi(tagger._pi, pi) self.assertEqual(y, "D N V".split())开发者ID:PLN-FaMAF,项目名称:PLN-2015,代码行数:28,代码来源 示例6: test_effective_window_size def test_effective_window_size(self): log_window_sizes = [math.log2(z) for z in self.window_sizes] plot = PointPlot() plot.new_plot("Effective Window Size", rows=1, num_curves=self.num_estimations+1) avg_err_bayes = self.get_errors(self.num_estimations) for i in range (0,len(self.window_sizes)): for k in range (0, self.num_estimations+1): self.print_values(k, self.window_sizes[i], avg_err_bayes[i][k], avg_err_bayes[i][0]) for k in range(0, len(avg_err_bayes[0])): # which is numestimations+1 k_array = avg_err_bayes[:,k] log_k_array = [math.log2(y) for y in k_array] if k == 0: plot.add_data_to_plot(log_k_array,log_window_sizes,label = "Naive ("+str(k)+" Shifts)") else: plot.add_data_to_plot(log_k_array, log_window_sizes, label=str(k)+" Shifts") """naive = avg_err_bayes[0] avg_err_naive = [naive]* len(avg_err_bayes) plot.add_to_plot()""" plot.create_legend() plot.save_plot("effective_window_size_plot")开发者ID:alexlafleur,项目名称:LDStreamHMMLearn,代码行数:28,代码来源 示例7: test_EquationBC_mixedpoisson_matrix_fieldsplit def test_EquationBC_mixedpoisson_matrix_fieldsplit(eq_type, mat_type, porder): # Mixed poisson with EquationBCs # aij with fieldsplit pc solver_parameters = {"mat_type": mat_type, "ksp_type": "gmres", "ksp_rtol": 1.e-10, "ksp_atol": 1.e-10, "ksp_max_it": 500000, "pc_type": "fieldsplit", "pc_fieldsplit_type": "schur", "pc_fieldsplit_schur_fact_type": "full", "fieldsplit_0_ksp_type": "gmres", "fieldsplit_0_pc_type": "asm", "fieldsplit_0_ksp_rtol": 1.e-12, "fieldsplit_1_ksp_type": "gmres", "fieldsplit_1_ksp_rtol": 1.e-12, "fieldsplit_1_pc_type": "none"} err = [] if eq_type == "linear": for i, mesh_num in enumerate([8, 16]): err.append(linear_poisson_mixed(solver_parameters, mesh_num, porder)) elif eq_type == "nonlinear": for i, mesh_num in enumerate([8, 16]): err.append(nonlinear_poisson_mixed(solver_parameters, mesh_num, porder)) assert(abs(math.log2(err[0][0]) - math.log2(err[1][0]) - (porder+1)) < 0.03)开发者ID:firedrakeproject,项目名称:firedrake,代码行数:29,代码来源 示例8: __create_tournament_tree def __create_tournament_tree(self): ''' Creates list for every rounds. Connects every list item between other items, that connections makes tournament tree. @return: list of interconnected list items ''' tournament_rounds = [] # create lists for every round for i in range(int(math.log2(self.competitors_count))): round_list = self._init_round_list(i) tournament_rounds.append(round_list) # make interconnections between rounds - tournament tree for i in range(int(math.log2(self.competitors_count - 1))): if len(tournament_rounds[- 1 - i]) > 1: for j in range(len(tournament_rounds[- 1 - i]) // 2): k = (2 * j) tournament_rounds[- 1 - i][k].next_round = \ tournament_rounds[- 1 - i - 1][j] tournament_rounds[- 1 - i][k + 1].next_round = \ tournament_rounds[- 1 - i - 1][j] tournament_rounds[- 1 - i - 1][j].previous_match1 = \ tournament_rounds[- 1 - i][k] tournament_rounds[- 1 - i - 1][j].previous_match2 = \ tournament_rounds[- 1 - i][k + 1] # set current round variable to index for the first round self.__current_round = len(tournament_rounds) - 1 # return all rounds return tournament_rounds开发者ID:adpro,项目名称:TournamentsTest,代码行数:29,代码来源 示例9: qsort_based_counter def qsort_based_counter(a, b, x): len_x = len(x) result = [0] * len_x checked = {} len_a = len(a) len_b = len(b) if not len_a: return result qsort(a, 0, len_a, math.floor(math.log2(len_a))) qsort(b, 0, len_b, math.floor(math.log2(len_b))) print(a) print(b) # a = sorted(a) # b = sorted(b) for i in range(0, len(x)): if x[i] < a[0]: continue if x[i] in checked: result[i] = result[checked[x[i]]] else: a_idx = bisect.bisect_right(a, x[i]) b_idx = bisect.bisect_left(b, x[i]) result[i] = a_idx - b_idx checked[x[i]] = i return result开发者ID:Se7ge,项目名称:csc,代码行数:25,代码来源 示例10: GetSampleLincData def GetSampleLincData(sample, linc_exp): """ Get the data for each linc for that sample. Get log2 fold change for FPKM compared to average and median of all samples for the linc. Args: sample = Sample from the input file name. linc_exp = Name of file containing the expression data for each linc in every sample. Returns: linc_dict = Dict containing signal of every SE position for the sample {(chr, (start, stop)): ((linc_id, linc_name), signal)} """ # Dict to hold data. linc_dict = {} with open(linc_exp) as f: # Get the sample index. header = f.readline().strip() sample_idx = GetSampleIdx(header, sample) for line in f: line = line.strip().split("\t") data = [float(x) for x in line[5:]] # Convert all data to floats. linc_med = log2(float(median(data))) # Get log2 median of list. linc_avg = log2(float(mean(data))) # Get log2 average of the list. linc_val = log2(float(line[sample_idx])) # Get log2 of the linc FPKM for the sample. linc_med_FC = linc_val - linc_med linc_avg_FC = linc_val - linc_avg # Grab data and add to the dict. chrom, start, stop, linc_id, linc_name = line[0], int(line[1]), int(line[2]), line[3], line[4] linc_dict[(chrom, (start, stop))] = ((linc_id, linc_name), (linc_med_FC, linc_avg_FC)) return linc_dict开发者ID:j-andrews7,项目名称:Pipelines,代码行数:35,代码来源 示例11: I def I(self, term, cluster): n = len(self.docVector) n00 = n10 = n11 = n01 = 0 for id in self.docVector: if self.docCluster[id] == cluster: if term in self.docVector[id].dict.keys(): n11 += 1 else: n01 += 1 else: if term in self.docVector[id].dict.keys(): n10 += 1 else: n00 += 1 n1_ = n10 + n11 n_1 = n01 + n11 n0_ = n00 + n01 n_0 = n00 + n10 # #print('cluster : '+cluster.__str__()) # #print('n00 = ',n00) # #print('n01 = ', n01) # #print('n10 = ',n10) # #print('n11 = ', n11) a1 = n11 / n * log2(n * n11 / (n1_ * n_1)) if n11 != 0 else 0 a2 = n01 / n * log2(n * n01 / (n0_ * n_1)) if n01 != 0 else 0 a3 = n10 / n * log2(n * n10 / (n1_ * n_0)) if n10 != 0 else 0 a4 = n00 / n * log2(n * n00 / (n0_ * n_0)) if n00 != 0 else 0 return a1 +a2 + a3 + a4开发者ID:MJafarMashhadi,项目名称:MiniGoogle,代码行数:29,代码来源 示例12: channelModel def channelModel( candidate_object ): partitionProbData = [ ] for partition in candidate_object[ 'partitions' ]: partitionProbData.append( HMMmodel.log_probability( partition, transitions_weight = globalModelParameters.TransitionWeight ) ) partitionProbData.sort(key=lambda arg: arg['HMMtotal'],reverse=True) TopPartitionsProbData=partitionProbData[:globalModelParameters.NUM_PARTITIONS] candidate_object.pop( 'partitions' ) candidate_object[ 'totalProb' ] = 0 candidate_object[ 'channelProb' ] = round( math.log2(sum(map(lambda arg: 2**arg[ 'HMMtotal' ],TopPartitionsProbData),0)) , 3 ) candidate_object[ 'langProb' ] = 0 candidate_object[ 'HMMchannel' ] = round( math.log2(sum(map(lambda arg: 2**arg[ 'HMMchannel' ],TopPartitionsProbData),0)) , 3 ) candidate_object[ 'HMMsource' ] = round( math.log2(sum(map(lambda arg: 2**arg[ 'HMMsource' ],TopPartitionsProbData),0)) , 3 ) candidate_object[ 'maxPartition' ] = TopPartitionsProbData[0]['sequence'] candidate_object['topPartitionsDict'] = TopPartitionsProbData return candidate_object开发者ID:jcavalieri8619,项目名称:OCRerror_correct,代码行数:34,代码来源 示例13: score def score(self, text): total_score = 0 prev_word = None for current_word in text: current_score = 0 #print('current word is {}'.format(current_word)) if current_word in self.pos_features: current_score += math.log2(self.pos_features[current_word]) # #print('+1') if current_word in self.neg_features: current_score -= math.log2(self.neg_features[current_word]) # print('-1') if prev_word is not None: # print('prev word is {}'.format(prev_word)) if prev_word in self.inc_features: current_score *= 1.5 # print('*2') elif prev_word in self.dec_features: current_score /= 1.5 # print('/2') elif prev_word in self.inv_features: current_score *= -1.0 # print('-') prev_word = current_word total_score += current_score return total_score开发者ID:Finaleblue,项目名称:Cooper_ece467,代码行数:29,代码来源 示例14: NaiveBayes def NaiveBayes(class_list,variables_counter,path): test = pd.read_csv(path,sep='\t',names=['num','class','desc'],header = None) final_list = [] desc_list = test['desc'].tolist() test_class = test['class'] total_train_files = sum(class_count.values()) i = 0 for line in desc_list: class_prob.clear() if type(line) is not str: continue record = line.split() for word in record: for classes in class_list: prob_word_in_class = 0.0 class_counter = complete_dict[classes] class_desc_overall_count = sum(class_counter.values()) class_word_unique_count = len(variables_counter) word_count = class_counter.get(word,0) prob_word_in_class = ( ((math.log2((word_count+1)) - math.log2((class_desc_overall_count + class_word_unique_count))))) if class_prob.get(classes,0) != 0: class_prob[classes] = class_prob[classes] + prob_word_in_class else: class_prob[classes] = prob_word_in_class class_prob[classes] = class_prob[classes] + math.log2(class_count[classes]/total_train_files) #print(class_prob,max(class_prob,key=class_prob.get)) final_list.append(max(class_prob,key=class_prob.get)) accuracy(final_list,test) 开发者ID:yagamiram,项目名称:Multinomial_Classifier_for_Text_Classification,代码行数:29,代码来源 示例15: computeHash def computeHash(inputFile): # Initialize a list for storing each transaction from the file try: transactionsList = open(inputFile, 'rt').read().split('\n') except FileNotFoundError: print("The file cannot be found. Please enter a valid name.") return # If there's a newline character at the end, account for it if len(transactionsList[len(transactionsList) - 1]) == 0: transactionsList = transactionsList[:len(transactionsList) - 1] nextLogOfTwo = math.log2(len(transactionsList)) # If the number of transactions in the list is not a power of 2, then append the string 'null' into it until it is if not nextLogOfTwo.is_integer(): # Find what the next log of two is nextLogOfTwo = math.ceil(math.log2(len(transactionsList))) targetNumOfList = int(math.pow(2, nextLogOfTwo)) # And append 'null' for i in range(0, targetNumOfList - len(transactionsList), 1): transactionsList.append('null') else: nextLogOfTwo = int(nextLogOfTwo) # Encode each of the items in transactionsList to their corresponding representations in bytes for indexOfTrans in range(0, len(transactionsList), 1): transactionsList[indexOfTrans] = bytes(transactionsList[indexOfTrans], 'utf-8') hashes = [] currLevelHash = list(transactionsList) nextLevelHash = [] for j in range(0, len(currLevelHash), 1): hashOfEachElem = hashlib.sha256() hashOfEachElem.update(currLevelHash[j]) nextLevelHash.append(hashOfEachElem) currLevelHash = nextLevelHash # Now start hashing and concatenating each pair of elements up till nextLogOfTwo for i in range(0, nextLogOfTwo, 1): nextLevelHash = [] for j in range(0, len(currLevelHash) - 1, 2): hashOfFirstElem = currLevelHash[j].hexdigest() hashOfSecondElem = currLevelHash[j+1].hexdigest() bothElemsConcatenated = hashOfFirstElem + hashOfSecondElem hashOfBothElems = hashlib.sha256() hashOfBothElems.update(bytes(bothElemsConcatenated, 'utf-8')) nextLevelHash.append(hashOfBothElems) currLevelHash = nextLevelHash # Set hashes to be equal to currLevelHash hashes = currLevelHash # And return the hexdigest of the root hash return hashes[0].hexdigest()开发者ID:RylanSchaeffer,项目名称:ECS198-Cryptocurrency-Technologies,代码行数:60,代码来源





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